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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Assalamualaikum again...Hye....Huhu...Im sorry because da lame tak update blog..Haha..Yeah,aku bru jer balik dari KL (SUNDAY/23.4.2011) tempat kesayangan aku..Even it is not a place where i born..Alhamdulillah Sabtu (30.4.2011) ni aku pergi lagi...Cukup pasal tu.......
Aku bengang btul la...Theres a lot for the reasons....Salah satu nye pasal kat skola aku..Huhu...Jumaat ni aku n kawan aku akan membuat persembahan Puisi dan Lagu untuk Hari Anugerah....Aku main violin..Violin merupakan sejenis alat muzik tanpa fret(penanda key) so susah sikit la aku nak main...Kompem aku byak salah key..Tambahan pula aku tak pegi mane2 kelas yang ajar specific about violin...Ade ke patut die drop aku dpan kawan2 aku..Aku tau la aku mmg tak hebat...Die kate huzaifah ni main violin sumbang,main drum sumbang...Well,of course aku main sumbang sbb da tak de sape nak aja aku...Pfttt..Haiiyooo..Sesumbang mane pun aku main , aku tetap bersyukur...Ilmu itu milik Allah....Tak pe..Tpi klau die tgor smbil ajar tak pe la lagi,,ni tgo sambil kasi aku malu..WHAT IS THAT MAN??Hoho..Aku mmg malu sangat..Tapi aku cover jer...Rase mcm nak tarik diri pun ade....One more,periksa da nak dkat...Cikgu sejarah aku da lame menghilang..... Time sejarah jer tak de sape nak ajar(ade tpi kelas tak nak)...Please la...Klas aku kelas sains..Bukan nak berlagak tpi cume rase tak patut la....Bile ape2 jadi salah kan murid..Huhu...Tolong la dpatkan cikgu yang baru untuk kiteorang....End of story....


Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Day Has To Offer.

Hey back.... Today was the day that make me sooo tired till i got headache.. Hurmm.. Harini skola aku telah pun menamatkan pertandingan PUISI DAN LAGU peringkat Daerah... Anyway,Skola Jelapang Jaya tak masuk peringkat Negeri.. Apakan daya,takde rezeki.. Hurm... Juara jatuh ke tangan Smk Rapat Setia,mmg layak pun  diorang menang,gabungan muzik,pemain violin gred 8 should be enough for them to capture the luck... Haha... Cemburu aku... Ow ya.. Esok aku n family aku jga akan berjalan2 sekitar Kuala Lumpur sambil melawat Negeri Bersejarah,Melaka. Waa,happy giler... Gud Bye skola,Gud bye Rumah.. haha... Jalan abis..... For The Last But Not Least,thanx to kawan2 aku yang byak mmbantu aku mencari key violin aku.. Haha. Specially dedicated to Aisyah Mohd( , Fatin Athirah( , Darwis( and John Paul Raja(tak tau name blog die)..... Gud Bye.....

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tomorrow Such A Big Day/Deal....

HoHoHo....Oh my god....Assalamualaikum/Gud Evening as the opening....Esok aku n team from SMK Jelapang Jaya akan berentap di pusingan peringkat daerah Bahagian Puisi dan Lagu...Hurmmm...For ur information, arini bru kite orang belatih tau tak??...Haha..Hebat btul la skola aku ni..Rilek jer...I hope that my frens and I will hold the Certification of Wining the competition...Hurmm,InsyaAllah...Cakap punye cakap....Baru aku tersedar,today was the first post about my life..Haha...ape nak buat kongsi(share) je la..Hurmmm,as well, i will play my Beloved Violin tomorrow for the performance..Hurmm,,,memang best giler main violin...Tpi aku tetap risau...Key yang aku main byak tak kene..Esok da lawan...Practise make perfect...Akan ku cuba untuk jadi yang terbaik.....My Icon of the Violinist was Vanessa Mae.She was Quite Beutifull too,but im not looking for her beuty,but im was impressed by her skill when she play her violin...Hope that someday i will become a great violinist...Aminn....Hurmm..Sampai disini sajelah coretan ku pade hari yang indah ini...To all readers,make sure that ur life are filled by happiness not sickness...Assalamualaikum/Gud Evening...End of Story..Gud Bye...

Monday, April 18, 2011

It`s Kind Of 'Flu'

Entah kenapa hati aku terdetik nak buat blog baru. Yeah... I`m already have a blog, but  that is an old fine story. The day that i`m going to create this blog starts with a big question mark on my mind...'Patutkah aku buat blog baru?' , 'What is the benefit of it?' , 'Can I be just like others?' , 'Camne la aku nak paham Chemistry?' haha.. Scratch that last.. Jawapan pertame yang terpampang kat minda kau ialah.. I should create a new blog in order to make me socialise with others(Blum dibuktikan lagi).. Ramai kawan aku dah ade blog. Macam happy jer hidup diorang(Day Dreaming).... Just like what I`ve said , Bloging is a new kind of 'flu' , but it is an extraordinary 'flu' . It can attack you at any time... End Of Story..

P/S: To the owner of this blogs :

Blog anda sungguh BOMBASTIC dan telah saye jadikan bahan rujukan. Tidak Ketinggalan juga blog yang jiwang...

A Kind Of New Story ...

Wassup all? As usually, for the first of all, I`ll introduce my self to all of the IT 'readers'. The name that had been given to me was Muhammad Huzaifah. Well, I`m 16th years old teenager in this year. According to the name, you all should be known that I was Islam Aka. Melayu(racial word`s). First of all again, of course I can speak Malay influently. The reason that i`m using English as my language is to make my tounge feel confidently when speak out in this kind of language. To all of my frens, I hope my life wasn`t a 'conundrum' to all of you because I am a talkative boy..ahaha.. I hope all of this was good enough for my introduction word`s. I`m sorry if all of this looks like a speech to you.
Muhammad Huzaifah